Duct tape for women:
An easy way to hem your pants to any length you need for any shoe height. nobody needs to know and if need, it becomes a unique conversation piece.
This is a blog that work along side my other blog:
It is a recording of another social experiment I am doing.
This experiment is call "The True Library Project" I want to challenge the way we learn and teach today. I want to challenge the way our education system is today. I want to experiment a new way of learning and teaching, a new way of exchanging knowledge and insights. I hope this experiment will gives me new directions and insights into this issue.
The 12 boxes that I made, I situated all of all them in different places throughout downtown and Eastown (for the location, please check the page section of this blog or just go to http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=113454072977582005556.0004882597878c40a59b5&ll=42.963583,-85.660057&spn=0.029772,0.077419&z=14). Inside the box I will situate a book and a pen. The idea is that people can come flip through the pages of the books and to learn from what other people had written and at the same time have a chance to share with others what he or she knows. This 12 boxes will be acting as a knowledge stations, places where people can read and learn at the same time. Hopefully through this new addition to the project, it will generate more interest and more accessibility for people to learn and to teach.
I wonder what it will be like if there are thousand of these boxes in the city, if we all carry a book like this and we pass it around all the time. Will we learn more??? I don't know yet or I might never know, but hopefully this project will give me new thoughts about this subject matter.
On this blog, I will post all the knowledge that I gain from the day and I hope you all will enjoy it and if you like, please comment on it. The tile of each entry is the name of the knowledge giver and where is he or she staying.
Hope you will find it interesting and inspiriting.
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